Yesterday after a slow morning, Shannon and I decided to go on an adventure. We bought train tickets and headed out to Rheinfall, the biggest waterfall in Europe. It was pretty neat. We walked over a bridge and around the area so that we could see it from all directions. One could take a boat out to the middle and stand on a tall rock in the midst of the falls, but after watching the boats rock around from afar, Shan and I decided we weren't brave enough.
Rheinfall from behind
After about an hour, we took a walk down to the next train stop, pausing to sit for a while on the edge of the river and feel the very cold mountain water. We decided to stay away from Winterthur a little bit longer and took the train as far as our tickets would allow, stopping in the town of Schaffhausen. I'm very glad we did because it was the cutest little town I've seen so far. It had a nice big, very Swiss-looking plaza called Fronwagplatz with two neat fountains. Down the street was a random building that was very elaborately painted on all sides. And after that we found our way to the Munot, a 16th century fortification at the high point of the city. We climbed the tower to see the city from above and then walked down in the gardens. After stopping for a pasta supper (with some ice-cream dessert... somehow, we both got flavors that were quite rummy... it's hard to know what you're ordering in German) we headed back home on the train and went straight to bed.Fronwagplatz
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