
Things I do/n’t Need

Things I can do without and do not need to have:
1) Television (cable)--I still want a TV or some sort of DVD player for movies. No cable though
2) Air conditioning
3) Biscuits
4) A microwave (this seems ambitious, but I think I’ll try it…)
5) Hot, hot showers. Or to shower every day.
6) As many clothes/shoes as I have
7) Electric lights all the time. Candles at night are nice.
8) Makeup.
9) Most forms of media/entertainment. Not many movies, certainly not in a theatre. No TV shows. No blogs. No newspapers. No magazines.
10) A sit-down toilet.

Things I’ve decided I *do* need:
1) Computer. Internet. Microsoft Office
1.5) More printed and framed photos at home
2) Fruits and dairy
2.5) To cook more often
3) Toilet paper
4) Tea and Coffee
4.5) A sex life
5) Drew and Emma
6) Some kind of art studio to work in
7) Exercise: dance. yoga. running. something. (refer to numbers 4)
8) Music/iPod. To sing and dance. More books.
9) A job and an apartment of my own.
9.5) A dining room table where I will eat.
10) To travel.


  1. Like tea and biscuits biscuits, or biscuits and gravy biscuits?

    Biscuits is starting to sound funny to me now.



  2. Like tea and biscuits, although I prolly don't need biscuits and gravy either.


    I see what you mean.
